
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Donna Hilbert: "Credo"

I believe in the Tuesdays
and Wednesdays of life,
the tuna sandwich lunches
and TV after dinner.
I believe in coffee with hot milk
and peanut butter toast,
Rosé wine in summer
and Burgundy in winter.

I am not in love with holidays,
birthdays—nothing special—
and weekends are just days
numbered six and seven,
though my love
dozing over TV golf
while I work the Sunday puzzle
might be all I need of life
and all I ask of heaven.

"Credo" by Donna Hilbert, from The Green Season (World Parade Books, 2011). © Donna Hilbert. Text presented here by poet submission.

Art credit: Untitled image by unknown photographer.


  1. I would gladly recite the creed of Ms. Hilbert's first stanza instead of the Nicene Creed! The poem is a delight, and more than that. This reader is most grateful to have encountered it.

  2. I want to hug this poem and the poet who wrote it. Made my day.


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