
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Announcing Our End-of-Project Book Giveaway

Who is eligible for this giveaway? To participate, you must be
  1. at least 18 years of age
  2. a member of the Year of Being Here reading community (i.e., an email subscriber, a follower on Facebook or other social media, or a frequent visitor to the website)
  3. a resident of the United States*

*If you're not a resident of the U.S., all isn't lost. Scroll down to the paragraphs pertaining to you very special people.

If eligible, how do you enter the book giveaway? Complete and submit a quick entry form. The information you share on the form will be used only for the purpose of this giveaway. Then it will be discarded.

What are the books to be gifted (one copy each)?

  • A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings (Coleman Barks, editor)
  • A Year with Rilke: Daily Readings (Anita Barrows, editor)
  • The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry (Wendell Berry)
  • The Book of the World: A Contemporary Scripture (Phyllis Cole-Dai, editor)
  • Selected Poems (Barbara Crooker)
  • Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women (Jane Hirshfield, editor)
  • A Year with Hafiz: Daily Contemplations (Daniel Ladinsky)
  • Red Suitcase (Naomi Shihab Nye)
  • A Thousand Mornings (Mary Oliver)
  • Ask Me: 100 Essential Poems (William Stafford)

When is the deadline? Submit your entry form by midnight on December 8, 2015. Ten recipients will be selected at random and announced throughout the month of December. All books will be mailed to the recipients no later than January 15, 2016.

What if you live outside the U.S.? Unfortunately you're not allowed to participate in the book giveaway, for legal reasons. But in lieu of that, please accept a free gift of music: `Tis a Gift: Christmas by Guitar, an album of tranquil holiday selections arranged and digitally recorded by Phyllis Cole-Dai, curator of A Year of Being Here. You can listen to its tracks here, and even download them as singles by clicking on the orange download link next to the titles.
To download the entire `Tis a Gift album, you will probably need to use your computer instead of a mobile device. Here are the instructions (don't let them intimidate you):
  1. Go to Dropbox by clicking here (you don't need a Dropbox account). 
  2. If you're prompted to sign up for Dropbox, click on the "No thanks, continue" option. 
  3. Once you see the album playlist on your screen, click the blue "download" button in the upper-right corner of the window.
  4. Choose "Download as .zip" from the dropdown menu.
  5. Soon your computer should ask whether you wish to save the music in a certain location or to open (unzip) the files. Choose "Open with" [the name of a zip utility software will be displayed], then press "Enter."
  6. The software will eventually open or expand the album. This might take a few minutes. Your computer will store the music as "`Tis a Gift", probably in your "Downloads" folder. Click on "`Tis a Gift" to display the individual track titles. You can either play them from there or save them to another location.

Enjoy the giveaway!


  1. Amazing giveaway! A year's worth of meditation. Do the winners receive a copy of every book listed?

    1. Sorry, Mel, no. I've no such budget! One copy of each book will be given, for a total of ten books. :)

    2. You're very welcome! Hope you win a book, but if you don't, you might enjoy reading some on the list!

  2. Dear Phyllis

    I just wanted to thank you for 2 years of such richness and companionship. I look forward to every Sunday , when the poems arrive. They have nourished me and comforted me amidst so much suffering in the world. I am not a native speaker and I live in between languages , I have become more spacious thanks to your project. All the best , a deep bow and a lotus to you. Ivette

    1. Friend: Thank you for reading along for two years, in a language that isn't your native tongue! That's wonderful, having had you as a companion. (Where do you live?)

      I think, in some ways, we humans all live in some sort of "space between"--it can be painful, it can be joyous. To choose to live "spaciously" requires courage and intention, not to mention compassion. I bow to your choice. You inspire me.

      I bow to you, where our humanity meets....

      Deep peace,

  3. Dear Phyllis,
    Thank you so much for your generous sharing of these fabulous contributions to my life view and emotional support. So many times the poem was meant for me on that day! They changed my view, garnered compassion, and eased my well being. I will miss your emails more than I can say! May you be on to more wonderful experiences and a life of "Well Being"!

    1. Thank you for your blessings.

      As for the poems often seeming "meant for you on that day," I think that speaks both to the power of the poetry and to your own receptivity. May you always be so.

  4. "Poems meant for you" happened more than once in my subscription. The day my mother died, Sept. 28, 2015, the poem "The Calling" struck me as quite apt, even though it was about the Muslim call to prayer and my mother was a liberal Roman Catholic. I shared it with friends and on Facebook. I will miss the daily poems. Thank your for your labor of love, Phyllis. Lucy in Bennington, VT

    1. I remember your comment about that at the time. Poetry has such power to cross boundaries, unite, and comfort. May it continue to do so in your life, long after this project ends. And may your mother be always close in memory, Lucy.

  5. I would be honored to be selected as a recipient of any of these great writings, thanks :)

  6. Your work, bringing together the beauty captured in photography and the profound wisdom captured in words has been a balm to the soul and a source of ongoing inspiration. Bless you for this work.

    1. Thank you, so much. I'm glad the poetry and artwork has comforted and inspired!


Thank you for participating respectfully in this blog's community of readers.